Saturday, October 29, 2005

don't fuck up the blow job

With the Bush administration and little Dark W. Helmet's personal legacy self-immolating before our eyes at long last, it looks like the Democrats have a golden opportunity to start building a future for a progressive America over the next couple of election cycles. There's really only one thing that could possibly interfere:

The Democrats themselves. A party that is today hierarchically dominated by a firmly entrenched old school of what are essentially moderate Republicans.

There are a dozen national projects that a progressive America could do to get this country back on the right path of being the leader of the free world and the most prosperous and equal-opportunity nation on the planet, but the current leadership clique of the Democrats do not have the vision or the guts to be able to do anything other than to be professional sparring partners and punching bags for the fascist/conservative/religious overgrown frat-boy coalition that forms today's Republican party.

It's a remarkable commentary on the state of liberal progressive thinking today that the only two people with any testicles in the Democratic party are Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi, and that in true progressive governance philosophy that Dennis Kucinich and Al Sharpton are the ones that are the most self-consistent and make the most sense.

If the Democrats can't do better than that, I'm moving to Canada. Either that or I'll become a vocal Republican shill just to fuck with the chickenshit losers that let this country sink without even trying to bail it out.

It's time to step up and give the Democratic party an extreme makeover.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The phoney party needs to disappear alright -- like off the face of the earth.

6:49 PM  

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